So our last night in Macau proved to be as excellent as the previous three. After a great feed at perhaps the island's tackiest looking Portuguese restaurant (but some of the best food) it was off to the infamous Moonwalker to observe prostitutes attempt to sell their "goods". Also, the band was rad/hilarious/rad.
Great food.

Keepin' an eye on the 1st floor monkeys.

The band at The Moonwalker. Note the chick who was probably once a dude.

Anyway, worst part of the story is the fact we had to be up at like 5am in order to catch a plane to Vietnam. Wait, that's not the worst bit. The worst bit was when we got to the airport, checked in, went through customs and were then told the plane had been delayed for at least 2 hours. Dang it. That said, the point is we made it to Ho Chi Minh City (which we will refer to as HCMC from now on because I'm a lazy typer) safe and sound.
This city is intense. After some serious fretting for our lives in the taxi on our way to the hotel, we quickly found our feet around the central parts of HCMC.

After a bad start to the day (ergo early to rise for a non-existant plane - yeah, we've got it tough over here...) we finished today with an outrageously awesome dinner. If any of you ever make it here, make sure you hit up this joint:

Super cheap, super great food, super awesome service. Emma even commented that it may have been better than our hundred dollar steaks. Another quick cry in the mens room from me, and it was pretty much time for bed. Another early start tomorrow: Cambodia here we come!
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