Sunday, November 23, 2008

Ahoy Thar!

Take a seat me hearties', n let me regale ye with a tale fro' th' seas. Twas a misty morn', n th' sea was heavin', so me n th' crew of landlubbin' pirates boarded th' Halong Phoenix cruiser t' sail the seven seas.

Ok, so there was no pirates. And the sea was really just a bay. But, there was one super annoying Canadian bloke - Toronto (real name has been supressed to protect the individual's identity) if you're reading this, then hopefully you're not talking. Do you EVER shut up? You should.

Halong Bay was sweet. Super relaxing too, which was nice. Here's our vessel.
Now, we have loads of photos from this adventure, but we've done a serious cull because you'll probably all get fairly bored. Here's some of the view.
Once we reached our anchorage location, we cruised out (on a support vessel) to a little floating village and jumped in some canoes. Cave exploring via canoe rocks.
Oh, and then we went and explored a real cave, on foot. Ace!
And I broke my thong :o(
All of the food was presented in a fashion as follows. Those "flowers" are all made of vegetables, too. By the way mum, almost all of the food served was seafood (fish, prawns, crab) and Emma and me ate meat. I think I can hear you crying from here.
Anyway, the cruise rocked. Back to Hanoi for more crazy Vietnamese action!

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