Monday, December 1, 2008

Emma and Tim's Adventures in Disneyland!

Back to the mystery location. After spending a night at the awesomely outrageous mystery hotel, we caught this mystery bus to a nearby mystery park.
Emma got pretty excited about this little mousey-like rascal surfing a whale.
Just quietly, so did I. You know what the best thing about taking your beautiful girlfriend to Disneyland? You get to go too. AWESOME.
So there you have it folks. After 4 weeks of wondering why our email address and the web address of this blog is "adventuresindisneyland", we've finally reached the gripping climax. Yes, we got to finish our incredible tour of SE Asia at Hong Kong Disneyland. On Emma's birthday. I hope she realises we set the bar a little high this year, and such birthday wishes won't be acheived all that often. But that's irrelevant. More about the happiest place on earth.

So they had a kick ass Lion King show. Although it left us wondering why if they can tell the whole story in about 20 minutes did they need to make a 90 minute movie, it was pretty amazing. Not as good as the full fledged musical number, but impressive enough.
I lost Emmie-Lou, but found her again near the lost children. I think she may have been off cavhorting with the likes of Goofy.
He was certainly trying pretty hard to get to know her. It's ok though, I had a quick chat to him to put him back in his place and now we're best friends forever.
We got to meet so many rad dudes, too. This guy is from Sweeden.
And this guy kept telling us he was from another planet, but we just assumed that was the drugs.
I think these two were off to a fancy dress party...
...which I hope these two were also attending. Otherwise, that's a pretty serious peanut allergy. They should probably seek medical attention.
This guy was nice and friendly:
And the Swedish bloke, my new friend, Emma and me all caught up to knock the top off a few tall frosty ones.
And of course, our gracious hosts. What a lovely couple.
So after a super awesome (just ask Emma - she's still excited) day of checking out various attractions, they were kind enough to put on a parade in honour of Emma's birthday (we assume).
And lit up the castle and showed her some fireworks.
They also had some kind of weird Christmas theme going on. God knows why. Isn't Christmas months away?
All in all, a pretty spectacular birthday me reckons. Oh, we went back today too. Err, coz we could, mostly. Disneyland roolz. 4 eva.

See you all very, very soon!


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